Monday, August 4, 2008

Gluten free chicken strips

Actually gluten free, soy free and dairy free and who knows what else. These strips are what I make when I'm in the mood for fast food. I fried up some potatoes that I cut into fries and then made the breading for the strips while I defrosted them in the microwave. The breading consisted of...

1 cup of Better Batter Flour

Tony's Cacheres Seasoning to taste

Pepper to taste

That's it! Easy as pie and delicious. I liked this better than using Zantaraine's seasoning if only because it coated the chicken better and fried up better. Some one mentioned they made theirs this way on the sillyak list on Yahoo and I thought it was worth a try.

Looks tasty right?

2 days and counting until my appointment with the RA doctor. I hope I get help and am not disappointed. I've heard a lot of talk on a Yahoo group for arthritis about those who have had to go from doctor to doctor to find one that can help them. I really hope that is not going to happen to me. I guess I am just nervous. I hope this isn't going to be a long haul like the Celiac diagnosis was. We'll see.


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