Thursday, March 1, 2012

Before and after in the sewing room

As you may know our daughter and her little family moved out and into an apartment recently. I decided to paint her room and move my scrapbooking things in there because I was running out of room in my sewing room. I had my ironing board pushed up against the scrapbook table and I was tripping over things because there was just not enough floor space. Here are some before photos before I moved things.

You can see there was big clutter every where.

In these after pictures you can see the cutting table has been moved to where the scrapping things were and the ironing board has been moved over by the window. It's much nicer! Lots more room for all of my sewing stuff.

Here is a photo of my scrapping area now. You can see I am still working on organizing it.

Been working on some unfinished quilts and clothing. I'll share those photos another time.



Salliejean said...

Oh boy that does look nice and so much more convenient work areas. Good job.

Denise said...

You have been busy. It looks great.

Denise said...
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Diana Davis said...

Lookin' good, girl! :^)