Saturday the 15 (I hope that date is right)
The day to drop the goats of and for me to clerk for a fair judge. We were up early and had to be at the fair grounds by 7:30 am and lucky us, it was pouring and not stopping so the goats were not happy because they think they are very dainty and can't get wet. We got them settled in and I clerked and Susan did her still project judging and did very well. I poured rain all day and never stopped. They said we got 10 inches of rain that day.
Sunday the 16
We just went to the fair, fed our goats and Susan did her goat project evaluation and it poured all day again. It actually had never stopped from the night before. It just kept coming and coming. We've never seen rain like this here ever. We got a total of 17 inches. A lot of the animal barns flooded including our goat barn. One minute it was dry and the next we knew water was coming in and rising and it was rising fast. We watched knowing there was nothing we could do and it got to be about 6 inches deep. Every one was throwing hay into the pens to make sure the goats had a nice thick bed higher than the water. They closed the fair and our leader said to go ahead and feed and go home if we wanted. She said they were able to pump the water out pretty quickly and some people piled sand in front of the door of one end of the barn. It worked out fine.
I won't get into the people who dropped their goats off and never came back except for show day and sale day and the ones who never bothered to bring their own feed on top of never showing up. But there are a lot of people who are not happy about it at all. They never show up to meetings either and never know what is going on.
Monday the 17 SHOW DAY!!
Show day was great. It started at 8:30 am and ended at 4:30 pm. The judge was fantastic. Not only did she judge fairly but she also explained why she placed them where she did to each child individually. I really liked that.
Susan did awesome! Her market goat placed reserve grand champion which was VERY exciting. She also placed 6th in showmanship, Champion in dam and daughter and I just can not remember her other placements but she placed several reserve champions, 1 champion, 2 or 3 2nd places and 2 or 3 third places and maybe a few fourth places. My memory may not be good but she has 2 plaques and 3 trophies and a ton of ribbons and thank goodness for the camera or I would never remember anything. So here are some pictures from Monday's show.
So these are some pictures from the goat show on Monday and I will blog more about the fair and share more pictures from other days later. For now I am beat. Stay tuned for information on how our club banner we made did, teehee.
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