Looks good right. It tasted good too.
In the garden we've been harvesting a ton of cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes. So many that I cannot eat them all my self so have been sharing with my mom.
I haven't been getting much of my crafts done lately but plan on scrap booking with my mom tomorrow so will get some of that done and am planning on starting some work on some cross stitched Chrstmas ornaments.
I saw the rheumatologist Wednesday and we are waiting on some blood test results before we start a course of action on the inflammation in all my joints. He thinks it may not be an arthritis situation at all but a low Vitamin D and me not responding compleatly to the celiac diet. I've asked about the D deficency on a few list's and while it may be possible, I have been taking the same amount of D for over a year as those who have been diagnosed severly deficient and my symptoms are the same so I will be interested in hearing those results. I'm sure it will be in normal ranges but we will see. I had blood drawn for other tests too and a course of action was laid out for the different scenerios on what the blood says. It should be interesting.
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