Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday time

This past weekend Susan turned 15. Unbelieveable that she is ready for drivers ed and going into highschool as a Sophmore this year. Time flies. For her party with her friends I made a gluten free icecream cake. I got the instructions from some one on the Yahoo group sillyaks. I used a chocolate cake called the garbanzo bean cake for the cake part. From the name I'm sure you can guess what it's made from. Personally, while the icecream cake was good I did not like the garbanzo bean cake when I tasted it. I could taste the beans very easily. I will make the ice cream cake again but next time I will make it using the Namaste brownie mix like was originally suggested to me. The cake turned out good and we were pretty happy with it.

The second day was a party for the family. We grilled food and Susan requested a swedish nut cake.

A nice pic of the birthday girl.

Lately it has been hot and humid out and my joints have been so painful! I actually never knew how much the weather affected my joints until we were in Las Vegas. In Las Vegas I had some pain when waking and first getting moving but I did not have to take any pain meds or have near the joint pain I have here. It's amazing. Just a few more weeks til I see he RA doc. I probably have my hopes up just to get disappointed but I hope not.

I haven't been working on my hobbies lately but I did take some time lastnight to get ready to do a painting so I will start on that today. I enjoyed the prep of it. I'm really wanting to get my sewing desk cleared off to and the closet in there so I would like to start that and do a little bit at a time. I have some reorganizing to do in the closet, it is a mess and stuffed full so it's time to reorganize it. I will try to remember to snap before and after pics.


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