Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sewing up a storm

I have been sewing up a storm lately. I have really gotten into garment sewing and quilting has taken a back seat for me. Most of my sewing has focused around Alec. He's lots of fun to sew for and it's almost instant gratification. I took a kids sewing course online and learned a lot. Most of my photos are taken with my phone and uploaded to Facebook for sharing but I do have some I took with my big camera to place on here.
This jacket was my favorite thing we made in the whole class. It is so simple and easy to make but turned out so cute and was so fun. It looks so good on him. I was worried about my fabric choices when I bought them. They are so different from what I normally pick but I just knew they would look good and they do! And that red just pops! Ok, so apparently I lied. I don't have any other photos from the class on my computer. I will get them and share but until then here is some random cuteness.