The fabrics are not my favorite of what I've been sent before and I was extremely disappointed with the fabric they sent for the backing. I really considered swapping it for some thing else from my stash but the paper that comes with it asks that you don't do that. My aversion to the fabric is that it was pretreated with some kind of chemical that protects it from stains and made it very scratchy and stiff and washing it did not make it any softer. Its disappointing that they would use the fabric for a comfort quilt for sick children. Anyways I think I'll drop them a note about it.
This next quilt is about 6 months old. I have had the top finished for that whole 6 months and then stalled. I wasn't sure if I wanted to back it with the grey from the quilt of with some thing more busy. I wasn't sure if I wanted it to stay this small cute quilt or if I wanted it bigger. In the end I decided I wanted it cute and small and decided to hang it on the wall in Alec's room/the scrapping room. I did back it with the grey. I wanted to do a modern style, simple quilt. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. I used a fat quarter pack that I bought while I was in Chicago last year and it's got all kinds of construction vehicles on it. Very fitting for a little boy who loves vehicles.
This last one is over a year old. Probably closer to a year and a half. I started it in the fall of 2010 and it was to be Susan's graduation quilt. I didn't finish it because I was stuck on how I wanted to quilt it. I also had started a quilt for Alec and got caught up in that. I really prefer smaller quilts. They are so much easier to quilt. When I machine quilt quilts that are this size I always have an issue with fold overs in the back and this one is no exception. There are about 3 places on the back that the backing fabric folded over but while looking at it after I finished it I decided it didn't bother me so much. I spent a lot of time trying to decide if I wanted to tie it or quilt it and in the end I did go with the quilting. Hey, maybe I can get Dan to get me a small quilting frame now that we have an extra room, what do you think? Haha!
This quilt is a dresden plate quilt and I really enjoyed piecing it. I loved it so much I really considered doing one for Alec too but once I got this one pieced I decided it was way too heavy for a new born quilt. Once it is all put together and quilted there are 4 layers of fabric there.
I really like how it turned out even though I am not too thrilled with how I decided to quilt it. I just could not decide on a way and once I started this way I just went with it. I do like the overall effect though.
Now on to clothes for Alec and also a lap quilt using the Dr Seuss fabric pack I also bought while in Chicago. I'm really looking forward to that one even if I am still not sure on what type of quilt it will be. I will have to think on it for a bit longer.