Ok, so maybe just my excitement to share with you what I have found buried deep, deep, deep with in my master bedroom closet.
Here's the scoop. Me and Dan started some major home remodeling a,most 3 years ago...(yes honey, as much as you would like to say it hasn't been that long, it totally has!). You know how it goes...you work your butt off and get tired and right when you are almost done you decided to stop and get back to it later...meanwhile 2 years has passed. I finally decided it was time to empty out master bed room closet and get the new floor in there. We went through every thing and took a lot to Good Will and gave a big box to our daughter of sheets and things she will need eventually and organized. Here is every thing we took from the closet.
I am not joking with these photos. I didn't even know we had that many clothes between me and Dan.
So on to the exciting part. I was going through a box and saving Dan's old baseball shirts and basket ball jerseys for when Alec is older and totally found this!!
This is a quilt I started about 16 years ago! Before I even knew what a quilt was and at this point I had only ever attempted to sew an apron at the age of 9 and a t-shirt in home ec in high school. I do admit that Dan wore that shirt while we were dating. He's such a good man!
I just took some clothes scraps and knew I wanted to depict my family and our first garden in our new house. I do not remember what I wanted in that other blank white block. I even started hand quilting it! Can you believe it! I am going to finish this. I think I will pull the layers apart and put a better backing on it. I'm not sure what is on the back right now. Seems like a cheap muslin to me. I'm thinking of using the white block to show off what I can do now but to toot my own horn I'm pretty pleased with how it is put together! So this is on my list for 2012 and I'd like to hang it in my room when completed.
I have more to share on the room finishing but will do that in another post. Here's a hint...I'm painting and it involves furniture! I have before pics and I should be done with the painting today.
Off to work on some Christmas ornaments just for fun. I have been in such a dumpy slump lately so I've been trying to get in here to work on some things and have been some what successful. I'll share that later as well!